Conrad Damon

Fragments are the only forms I trust.

- Donald Barthelme

Worked in the Infrastructure Delivery Group at Stanford developing and maintaining campus web services, then left Stanford in February 2000 to work for the startup, which was promptly snatched up by, which merged with, and that bundle became OpenWave, my most recent former employer. Left Openwave in summer of 2003 to take a break. In August 2004 I joined Zimbra, a startup that provides collaboration (fancy term for email, contacts, etc) software, developing their Ajax client. In October 2007, Yahoo acquired Zimbra, so that's where I am now.

The big recent news is the arrival of Nick on July 18, 2008.


I play whenever possible double disc court, an exciting and incredibly fun frisbee sport, as well as disc golf, ultimate, soccer, volleyball, tennis, golf, and whatever else seems like fun.

There are also books. Especially books by Barthelme, Barth, Elkin, Gass, Heller, Calvino, Vonnegut, Hawkes, Winterson, Pynchon, Woolf, Nabokov and Coover. And music by PJ Harvey, Radiohead, etc.

Sometimes, I play Jumbalaya, an online multiplayer word game.

I live in San Carlos, CA, with my wife Missy, my son Nicholas, and our dog Laika.

How to get to me

 This is what I look like when I'm not diving after a frisbee.